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Global Economic Sustainable Development Commission UNA-SV

The Global Economic Sustainable Development Commission aligns with the United Nations’ commitment to sustainable development, embracing the transformative vision of the 17 SDGs. Through collaborative efforts, we strive to contribute significantly to a world that values clear, ethical, and responsible communication, ensuring a sustainable and equitable future for all. Our efforts will be successful by rolling out initiatives on a nation-by-nation basis, building national pride and economic invigoration for the people.

Purpose and Function of the Commission

The Global Economic Sustainable Development Commission (GESDC) was established to advance sustainable development globally. The commission enhances its focus on communication that is clear and responsible, addressing the contemporary challenges of misinformation and disinformation.


The primary purpose of the GESDC is to facilitate the transition from traditional finance to impact finance and sustainable investment, with a strong emphasis on digital fintech. By incorporating human-centered design and conscious capitalism principles, the commission promotes the well-being of people and the planet, ensuring profitability and job creation for sustainable development. Rolling out these efforts nationally will build a sense of pride and economic renewal among citizens.


1. Green Transition and Funding Deployment
  • Address policy and compliance challenges to effectively deploy funding mechanisms for the green transition. This includes advocating for regulatory frameworks that support sustainable investment practices.
  • Advocate for sustainable finance education (ESG) to inform investment decisions aligned with the 17 SDGs. The commission aims to raise awareness and build capacity among investors and financial institutions to integrate ESG criteria into their decision-making processes.
2. Sustainable Development Corporations (SDCs)
  • Advocate for the establishment of Sustainable Development Corporations as a strategic approach to achieving the SDGs. SDCs prioritize long-termsustainability over short-term profit maximization.
  • Promote the incorporation of ESG criteria in investment decisions to advance sustainable development. Encouraging investors to consider environmental and social factors alongside financial returns aims to drive investment towards projects delivering positive social and environmental outcomes.
3. Promoting Alliances
  • Foster alliances among the public sector, private sector, academia, and civil society to collaboratively pursue a Culture of Peace as a preventive measure against conflict. Cross-sectoral collaboration is crucial in addressing complex global challenges.
  • Engage financial institutions, recognizing their transformative potential in driving positive societal and environmental impact. By partnering with these institutions, the commission seeks to leverage their expertise and resources to support sustainable development initiatives.

Expected Outcomes

Aligned with the United Nations’ commitment to sustainable development, the GESDC aims to foster a transformative approach towards a future embodying the principles of the 17 SDGs. Through collaborative efforts, the commission seeks to contribute significantly to a sustainable and equitable world.

The GESDC anticipates several key outcomes from its efforts:

  • Accelerated transition from traditional to impact finance, increasing investment in projects with positive social and environmental outcomes.
  • Increased funding for the green transition, facilitating a low-carbon, sustainable economy.
  • Promotion of Sustainable Development Corporations as a model for sustainable business practices.
  • Enhanced collaboration among sectors for a Culture of Peace, fostering greater cooperation and understanding between diverse stakeholders.
  • Empowered youth as change agents, mobilizing the next generation to drive positive social and environmental change.
  • Economic invigoration and national pride through the rollout of sustainable initiatives on a nation-by-nation basis.


Description of the Committees

1. Global Digital Finance Committee UNA-SV


The Global Digital Finance Committee (GDFC) is a specialized branch of the GESDC, leveraging digital finance innovations to drive sustainable economic development. The committee’s primary purpose is to harness digital technologies and financial innovations to address key challenges and opportunities in the global finance sector, contributing to financial inclusion, economic empowerment, and sustainable development. Implementing these innovations on a national scale will foster economic growth and instill national pride.
2. Global Agricultural Digitalization and Fintech Committee UNA-SV


The Global Agricultural Digitalization and Fintech Committee (GADFC) is a specialized branch of the GESDC, leveraging digitalization and fintech innovations to drive sustainable development in the agricultural sector. The committee’s primary purpose is to harness digital technologies and financial innovations to address key challenges and opportunities in agriculture, contributing to global food security, rural development, and environmental sustainability. National implementation of these strategies will invigorate local economies and elevate national pride.
3. The Culture of Peace and Digital Impact Committee UNA-SV


The Culture of Peace and Digital Impact Committee (CPDIC) is a specialized branch of the GESDC, dedicated to leveraging culture, digital technologies, and financial innovations to foster peace, inclusion, and prosperity worldwide. The committee aims to harness the transformative power of culture, digitalization, and fintech to promote peacebuilding, social cohesion, and economic empowerment, thereby contributing to sustainable development and global prosperity. National initiatives in these areas will build unity and pride among citizens.