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Global Economic Sustainable Development Commission (GESDC) UNA-SV

Join us in our mission to revolutionize the global economy through sustainable development, ethical finance, and groundbreaking technologies. Together, we can create a future where prosperity, inclusivity, and environmental stewardship are at the forefront.
Our Vision

Our Vision

To establish a resilient global network of stakeholders committed to innovative financial practices that support sustainable development. By harnessing the power of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technologies, we strive to ensure long-term economic stability, environmental stewardship, and social development for all.

Our Mission

At GESDC - UNASV, we lead the transition from traditional finance to impact finance by leveraging innovative digital fintech solutions. We are dedicated to narrowing the wealth gap, promoting fiscal responsibility, and ensuring transparency through innovative technologies. By incorporating artificial intelligence, we aim to drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth worldwide.

Our Mission

What We Do

Development Goals

Champion Sustainable Development Goals

We advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals, from eradicating poverty to promoting clean energy and ethical communication.

Responsible Finance

Promote Ethical and Responsible Finance

We promote conscious capitalism, prioritizing social and environmental impact alongside profit for a more equitable and sustainable economy.

Culture of Peace

Promote a Culture of Peace

We promote a culture of peace through dialogue and cooperation, focusing on inclusive societies, access to justice, and strong institutions.

Empower Youth

Empower Youth Future Leaders

Our Youth Council empowers young leaders with tools and platforms to drive sustainable development and build a better future.


Measuring Success Through Impact Finance

We believe that true success goes beyond traditional financial metrics; it’s about the profound impact we create in the world. We measure our achievements by how effectively our investments improve lives, protect the environment, and strengthen communities.

Through impact finance, we ensure that every dollar invested is a force for positive change, driving initiatives that align financial returns with social and environmental benefits.

By prioritizing impact, we’re building a future where economic growth and sustainability are intrinsically linked, creating lasting value for all.

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